3 Most Common Weight Loss Myths Debunked By Science

There is a lot of conflicting information when it comes to weight loss, but here at Wellnessincheck, we like to keep it real and evidence-based. We have put together three most common weight loss myths that can mislead people.

Myth 1: All calories are created equal

There are different metabolic routes for different types of foods. This in turn causes very different effects on hunger and the hormones regulating body weight. A calorie from a protein is different from a fat or carbohydrate calorie. Research shows that when protein is used to replace carbs, the result can boost metabolism and decrease cravings. Also, calories from whole foods, like vegetables, are much more filling than calories from refined foods, such as fries.

Myth 2: Fat makes you fat

This is an outdated concept. In fact fat is our friend, provided it’s the right kind. Studies have shown that foods with healthy fats, like olive oil, can help you stay satisfied longer and help you lose weight while sugar, on the other hand, spikes insulin levels, making us hungrier and causing a craving for more sugary, calorie-laden foods.

Myth 3: All grain foods are fattening

The truth is not all grain foods are unhealthy. Some grain foods are made from whole grains, such as whole grain breads that contain the entire grain kernel. Other grain foods are made from refined grains, which have been milled and lose the dietary fiber. Consider choosing whole grain foods, because they can reduce your risk of many chronic diseases, like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

An evidence-based wellness article written and reviewed by experts at Wellnessincheck.

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